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About me

Textbeginn Über mich
The great aim of education
is not knowledge,
but action.
Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903, English philosopher 

In my trainings

  • you can be sure you are booking a trainer with deep expertise, stemming from over 25 years training experience on four continents and

  • I guarantee that you will further your own personal development in my trainings, because you will be actively involved;
    I make sure sure that you, as a participant, spend around 80% of the training time designing, trying out your skills and discussing. You will have ample opportunity to practice – and start collecting your own 10,000 hours. The stimulating variety of methods I use guarantees diversity and promotes your learning process. They are based on the insights of Accelerated Learning, modern neuroscience and educational constructivism.

Benefit from effective business training in intercultural settings.

My goal: To promote openness and willingness to learn and to arouse lively interest - as a basic requirement for good results in ongoing education.

My personal contribution is

  • Honest, personal relationships with participants, and respect for their different cultural backgrounds

  • Attractive packaging of learning content – including state-of-the-art techniques and methods such as Prezi or PechaKucha


​This is what I bring to the table as the world’s first “Trainer-Trainer in Business (CCA)” (German Chamber of Commerce Abroad)”. The “Train the Trainer in Business (CCA)“ qualification is certified by the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCA) and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), in co-operation with the affiliated training organization of the Association of German Chambers (DIHK-Bildungs-GmbH). 

Training requires constant mental presence. It demands alertness and a permanent awareness of what’s happening in the group. I relax between these phases of intense concentration with sport. In fact, I would even describe myself as a thoroughbred sportsman, having actively participated in many different types of sports. Or enjoyed them as a spectator. When I travel abroad, I always take my running shoes with me. For there just might be a running event where I’m going. As a pleasure runner, I seize the opportunity to take part – be it a run by the sea, in a local park or up a mountain.

My second passion lies in fostering a culture of appreciation, attentiveness and respect between people. When training, I step back and set my antennae to receive. For me it is important to know what excites my participants, what they need right now and how I can best reach them. For to my mind, adult learning entails 15% trainer, and 85% participant activity. Empathy is generally an indispensable trait for a trainer. However in an international context, it is even more crucial. You can never read up on all of the cultural characteristics of a host country – sometimes you have to rely on your sensitivity and intuition. My third focus topic completes the circle: Understanding. To this end, I am fascinated by a journey of a special kind – the journey into the human mind.

* 1955, in a committed relationship, two children

Vision and Goals - combined with Quality

Since 1989 there are training courses, coaching and seminars performed by Edwin Lemke - Training by Understanding.

They are connected with concrete ideas:

  • Learning is fun - together or individually.

  • The expansion of knowledge and personal development open up new, enriching perspectives.

  • Learning makes you want more.


My trainings ensure professional planning and optimal implementation on the basis of a highly qualified and extensive training. This applies to coaching processes as well as lectures and seminars.

In addition, my regular participation in further education courses and the constant reading of up-to-date, international specialist literature guarantee that my events correspond to the latest findings and thus implement the state of the art.

In the last few years, I have specifically focused on two main topics.
The first area relates to leadership training, especially in health management.
The second area includes teacher and trainer training, especially in an intercultural context.

Every year experiences in new cultures are added, and this is also my goal for the coming years.

More than ever, the first-class quality of my seminars is in the focus. In addition to the standards of ISO 29993, I also strive for certification to ISO 29990. You can trust that feedback from my clients will always be included in the next training.

I realize all customer orders in close cooperation with the clients. I deliberately focus on your wishes and requirements. This can only be fulfilled by a powerful and competent trainer with appropriate and many years of experience.

Just call (+49 17 18 15 6503) - or write ( - and start your first personal encounter with Training by Understanding!

ISO 29993 CERT-EN.jpg
  • 86 – 88 Wholesale and Foreign Trade Expert, Instructor; IHK Düsseldorf

  • 84 – 86 Teaching Training, Vocational Schools, Iserlohn / Grammar School, Letmathe

  • 75 – 83 Degree in Education, University of Bonn, Sport science, German, Educational Psychology

Further Education (Examples)
  • 2018 Certified Coach "Tapestry of my Life"

  • 2017 Trainer the Trainer “Healthy Leadership” by A. K. Matyssek;      Train the Trainer “Pre-DNA” with Dale Carnegie Training

  • 2016 Quality sstandards and Data in CHM
    with Bernhard Badura

  • 2013 Systemic Structural Coaching
    with Matthias Varga von Kibéd

  • 2011 Positive Psychology, Psychosynthesis, Presencing

  • 2004 Certified KODE(X)-Trainer for competence assessment, with John Erpenbeck / Volker Heyse

  • 99 – 00 Health Professional NLP with W. Lenk und R. Dilts

  • 94 – 96 International NLP Practitioner, Master und Trainer, with M. und Ed Reese, M. Schmidt-Tanger, M. Grinder, F. Farrelly i.a.

  • 86 – 87 Advanced English Language Certificate for Industry and Commerce, German-British Chamber, London


Edisonallee 8
53125 Bonn
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Freiberufler nach § 18 EStG
St. Nr. 206 5190 0407
Gerichtsstand Bonn
Fon: +49 (0) 17 18 15 6503

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© 2018 by Edwin Lemke

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Kontakt mit mir

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Ihnen stehen grundsätzlich die Rechte auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung, Datenübertragbarkeit, Widerruf und Widerspruch zu. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten gegen das Datenschutzrecht verstößt oder Ihre datenschutzrechtlichen Ansprüche sonst in einer Weise verletzt worden sind, können Sie sich bei der Aufsichtsbehörde beschweren.

Sie erreichen mich unter folgenden Kontaktdaten:

Edwin Lemke
Edisonallee 8
53125 Bonn
017 18 15 6503

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